Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our first snow... finally!

My favorite thing in my home is not an antique or an heirloom or even a piece of furniture, it is this...

Although, it is flanked by family pieces.  The fireplace tool set belongs to my husband's 97 year old grandma and she has had it as long as he's been alive so it is at least 44 years old.  When I was visiting my parents on Christmas Eve, my mom was showing me some new decorating she had done in the basement... this is the large family room where we have all family gatherings and it is a wonderful and homey place!  Back in one of the corners I spotted the old coal bucket that we used in our old house when I was growing up.  Since she wasn't using it, she let me have it.  =]  Funny sidenote: after the little shopping trip that day with my mom, my husband was putting something in the suburban and was asking where all we had been, he thought we were antiquing and I bought that.  I said "Shh!  Be quiet!  It came from the basement and don't let my sisters know!"  There are four of us girls and mom won't let us have any family heirlooms because she's afraid to make one of us mad.  So I had to sneak it out of there before one of my sisters saw it.  Hehe!

I adore my fireplace and use it every single day of the winter.  I feel that I am very blessed to be living in the Central US in Oklahoma where we have the privilege of experiencing all four seasons.  You won't hear me complaining about the weather at any time because I am thankful God gives us such a variety and I'm grateful for it all.

The kids are super excited about the snow finally coming!  I know some of you are tired of it already because you've had several feet of it for several months but this is our first snowfall this winter which is really odd for us.  We always have a white Christmas and didn't this year.  Five year old Robbie thinks it's Christmas now because it's snowing.  Don't you just love their innocence?  It is so adorable.  He's a little upset that it's not Christmas after all.  Okay, it's barely snowing but you can see the gazebo roof is covered.

As I'm sitting inside where it's nice and warm, I'm enjoying looking beyond my red door at the beauty of the snowfall.

I hope you all are able to enjoy the beauty as well.  Please be safe and stay warm wherever you are!  We are patiently waiting (well, some of us are) for the brownies to come out of the oven.  My boys and I like to add butter to our brownies as soon as they come out of the oven.  Mmmm so delicious when it melts down into the chocolate!  Now I know, I didn't say anything about healthy but you should splurge every once in awhile.  =]

Have a delightful week~


  1. Hi Angie: Everything sounds so the antique coal bucket you found in your mom's basement!! Those are the best treasures...I'm going to ask my mother for some vintage ornaments since she doesn't use them anymore...only puts out the newer stuff. I can't wait to get my hands on them...hehe. I'll post if she gives them up...good thing is that my sister ISN'T into anything olde or vintage and neither are my brothers so I'm hoping it's all mine...woohoo!! love your back yard and gazebo...We have a propane fireplace but I do prefer wood...was thinking of converting it over...Did you make the big wreath on your front door?

  2. Hi Angie,
    Yea for the first snow!! We have had snow for a while now, but I never really get sick of it. There is something so calming about watching it drift down. :) We went hiking in the woods while it was snowing today and it was lovely. Now our fireplace is going (a gas one, but gives the effect), and we just finished orange ice cream floats. Heaven.
    Butter on warm brownies...that's one I haven't tried. But now I might have to. You won't hear a word about unhealthy from me. Having those fun little treats together once in a while is what it's all about. :)

  3. The picture of your fireplace is awesome! Hub purchased a new Blaze King wood stove last year and we are loving it! He fills it early in the morning and it goes all day without having to be messed with! (I love that part!) then he fills it around 7 pm and it's good to go till morning! Love that technology part it too.
    Your brownies sound yummy!
    Have a wonderful evening.

  4. Yum Angie I will bring some chili and take some brownies LOL. wish I was that close, almost! I just knew you would get some snow soon. Love your pictures.

  5. Hi Angie, This is Becky from Ginger Creme Hollow blog that I just started. We've had lots of snow here. Not tired of it yet but I'm sure I will be before too long. I have a couple snow pictures on my blog. Hope you can check it out. Until later.

  6. Hi Angie,
    I'm so happy to hear about your snow. I would be happy to send you all the snow from Illinois for the remainder of the winter! We have had too much already. I love the bucket story, hope none of the family reads your blog! Thanks for all of your sweet comments, your the best!

  7. It's nice to see someone else who isn't complaining about snow and winter! I love being able to use the fireplace and having the snow fall outside.

    That is so neat that you have the fireplace goodies that belonged to family.

  8. The next time I bake brownies I will have to give the butter a try. It sounds mouth watering. From behind your red door is where I would want to be on this cold snowing day enjoying the warmth of you warm fireplace. The coal bucket & tools are perfect. Even better they have family history. Thanks for your suggestion for my fireplace. Blessings!

  9. Snow is sooo pretty to look at as long as it's at someone else's house! LOL!

    We are suppose to get your storm starting Tuesday morning...still don't know how much is coming and hope the the Maytag repair still makes it to my house to check out the smell my new oven is making. I would hate to have to reschedule.


  10. Angie,
    I couldn't believe it when I saw your old coal bucket...I just purchased one from a local thrift shop this past week for $3.75. I haven't posted a picture of it yet, cause I need to clean it out.

    Putting butter on hot brownies sure sounds yummy to me!!

  11. Love your fireplace Angie!! Hey, you could send your kids over to my house and they could shovel and do whatever they want to do in all this snow. They could even pack it up and bring it back home with!! Have a great week!


  12. Hi Angie-love your new heirlooms!
    Your fireplace looks great. I can just imagine you sitting in the heat with the smell and taste of yummy brownies-I'm drooling!lol!

    We had the best fall of snow ever this year, which was a treat, but I'm kinda glad it is away now:)

    Enjoy those brownies:))

    Shazy x

  13. Morning Angie...well, we get snow at the drop of a hat here in Wisconsin but I think it's gorgeous - as long as I don't have to get out in it to get to work I am happy.
    I can hear the excitement in your 5 year old's voice! lol

    You are so lucky to get those wonderful treasures from your family (even though your sisters lost
    The fireplace looks so cozy. We have ours on now and then but not often...we turned it into gas a few years back and wow did the gas bill go up - it trippled in one year because we were using it almost every night...we cut back real fast. But oh how I love it!


  14. Didn't you do well to sneak the companion set out of the house!!!lol!
    It is so cozy during the winter to snuggle by the glow of a fire burning in the grate!
    Hope Robbie gets to make a snowman!
    Best wishes for 2011!

  15. What a wonderful heirloom!now will you have to rush and hide it when your siters come over,lol.I love your red door.Im working on the hubby to paint ours.I once heard it symbolizes good luck.The snow is great but I hate to drive in it.I love looking out the window and seeing it looking like little diamonds on the street.have a great week sweetie.blessings michelle

  16. Hi Angie. I'm with you about that first snow. I love it! It's so magical when you wake up in the morning and everything is covered. I'll never get tired of it. In fact another storm is coming here in PA tomorrow and I'm already excited! Sending you big warm hugs...stay cozy. Jenn

  17. I hope you get to enjoy your snow! We are expecting another storm coming our way tomorrow, and actually had a white Christmas this yr. which is unusual for us in eastern Ky.
    I just hope your sisters don't read your blog and find out about your goodies! LOL
    Love the fireplace scene and we sure use the two we have quite a bit ~ they are wonderful!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your gazebo! will have to show it to my hubby and maybe he can make me one like it, tee hee.

    Have a great week Angie! I just posted all about snowmen a few mins. ago, ha. Hope you get to make one!


  18. So glad you finally got some snow. I hope it sticks around so the kids can enjoy it! Even though the snow around here can be difficult at times, it sure is beautiful!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit ~